Thursday 7 November 2019

100 words challenge

Hi! Today Me and my class Room 11 did the 100 word challenge with Phil. But first we had too look at a photo with a cow that is with a suitcase that is waiting at the bus stop. Then we had to write 5 words on the pad let and then we had to choose someones else 5 words  i chose my Friend Angels one. Then we had to make a google docs and use those 5 words and also make sure to write 100 words as well. Here is mine, 

There is a cow on the footpath waiting at a bus stop waiting for the bus to come and pick him up. I can see the mountains in the background and some grass. The cow has a suitcase and it looks like kit is made from leather and wood. The cow has white, brown and black spots like a normal cow has. The cow looks like it has been waiting there for ages because it looks grumpy,angry and tired. The cow looks like it is wearing a bell or a medallion. The cow might have clothes in his suitcase.


  1. Awesome work Lara. I like how descriptive you were in your story. I know I get grumpy and tired when I'm waiting for the bus or a plane. Maybe next time you could start your sentences in lots of different ways, not just 'The cow has...'

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  3. Hello Lara,
    I am Alan from yaldhurst model school. Great job Lara. I loved how you described it from the photo. I have learnt from your blog post how to describe a photo by looking at it.

    I liked it when you described the cow and how you wrote "The cow looks like it has been waiting there for ages because it looks grumpy,angry and tired". I liked it because it would have been funny to see all the face impressions at once.

    So do you have a tip for writing like you did because I am not really good doing it like you did? And if you want you can check out my blog post sometimes.

  4. Hi Lara, I'm Renae from Yaldhurst School.
    I like how you told us about the cow and who your buddy was.
    It was very interesting to read about.
    Maybe next time you could tell your readers what your 5 words were and your buddies 5 words were, and maybe just re-read it a little to.
    Your post made me think of a cow I met a couple days ago called daisy.
    Did you like doing the 100 word challenge?

    Kind Regards
